Category: Telecom


Maximizing Customer Acquisition and Retention with RevenuRadar’s MMM Analytics in the Telecom Industry

In a hyper-competitive telecom market, the providers face two critical challenges: retention of active customers and minimization of customer acquisition costs. High churn levels lead to profitability erosion while rising acquisition costs challenge marketing budgets. Amid these pressures, an overabundance of market competition pushes telecommunication firms to embrace data analytics to redefine their strategies, improve […]

Customer Engagement

What is Customer Engagement? Customer engagement, a term that has gained a lot of traction among online firms lately, is a measurement of how frequently a brand interacts with its customers during its whole lifecycle. Customers may help brands develop and strengthen a “human-to-human” connection with them and contribute value outside of purely transactional partnerships […]

Predictive Analytics – Astrology to AI

Introduction Analytics is divided into 3 categories namely, Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive. Predictive Analytics basically deals with analyzing past data to make predictions about the future with the help of statistical modeling. Some of the main use cases of predictive analytics are to predict Demand for products/ services Customer churn Employee attrition Fraudulent transaction Loan […]